Well, I was hoping for a winter without bronchitis, but, I now have a nasty cold migrating to my chest. YUCK! Throw in a nasty cough, a stuffy nose and TONS of snow, and you get the idea of what I'm feeling.
But, I worked all week (and tried to restrict coughing and sneezing to my tiny office). I went in to work today, because I knew, contagious or not, we would be short handed with the weather, so I worked my tail off. Such is a nurse's life. Now, lots of rest, liquids, and a call to the doctor if I'm not better by tomorrow.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Whiney Cats and Dreary Weather
I confess - due to assimilating pets that belong(ed) to older children, I now have 3 cats living at my house. One, a long haired beauty, my middle DD named Che Bella, lived with my daughter in Penn State until DD spent more time at her boyfriend's (now husband) apartment (no pets), and Che Bella was a) lonely, b) at the mercy of DD's roommates for food and litter box care c) spent two days up a tree before anyone could get her out. Of course, that meant my guilt-ridden DD brought her kitty home so that a) she wouldn't be lonely, b) get regular food and litter box maintenance, and c) remain house bound, as we do not allow kitties outside (at the mercy of cars that don't slow down on our busy street and dogs with big teeth). That does not mean Che Bella has never gotten out of the house - she has, but, fortunately the shaking of her food dish brings her right back in (except for the time she disappeared off the enclosed back porch for a week, another story - that ends well).
Willow (the possessed) was brought as a "gift" for me, from the same daughter. Interestingly, middle DD turned into a dog person as soon as she finished college and got married - sight.
Luna (also sometimes called "Lunatic") belongs to my youngest DD, who will leave her in our loving arms when she treks off to Kutztown in the fall. I think the dorms there need to really reconsider their "no pets with teeth" rule. After all, is it fair to have Luna only able to eat soft food for the rest of her life? Of course not, so Luna will be boarding with us, pending youngest DD's graduation.
Che Bella and Luna get along as well as most cats do (alternating chasing each other through the house like a herd of elephants and totally ignoring each other).
Willow, surprise, gets along with NO ONE except for the rubber band she can chase around for hours, and bubble wrap. Why bubble wrap? She likes to amuse herself by popping the air bubbles. Antisocial to the extreme, Willow only acknowledges the other cats when there is catnip involved (they knock the plastic container off the refrigerator, and then take turns rolling it around, trying to figure out how to open the lid without opposeable thumbs), or she attacks one of them, without provocation. Did I mention she's antisocial?
Luna has decided that she MUST sleep on the foot of my bed. I think it is the down comforter that she loves. That means that when our bedroom door is shut, she will hurl herself against the door until we open it, or she pops it open. Both are annoying, since she waits until we are snuggled under that comforter, almost asleep, to come to the door, and she won't shut it after opening it.
So today I have three cranky cats who cannot sunbathe on my windowsill because I obviously forgot to order sunlight today. Willow is perched on the back of the chair nearest our south facing window, determined that WHEN the sun finally comes out, she will be there. Che Bella keeps demanding to go on the enclosed back porch, because one of these times, she will able to see the sun out the french doors (her longest time spent out there on this chilly February day, was 5 and 1/2 seconds, before flinging herself at the door for reentry. Unless of course, I wait for her to come back in, so she sits down, waiting for the sun.).
Luna is alternating between provoking the other two cats and rearranging piles of paper I am sorting.
Willow (the possessed) was brought as a "gift" for me, from the same daughter. Interestingly, middle DD turned into a dog person as soon as she finished college and got married - sight.
Luna (also sometimes called "Lunatic") belongs to my youngest DD, who will leave her in our loving arms when she treks off to Kutztown in the fall. I think the dorms there need to really reconsider their "no pets with teeth" rule. After all, is it fair to have Luna only able to eat soft food for the rest of her life? Of course not, so Luna will be boarding with us, pending youngest DD's graduation.
Che Bella and Luna get along as well as most cats do (alternating chasing each other through the house like a herd of elephants and totally ignoring each other).
Willow, surprise, gets along with NO ONE except for the rubber band she can chase around for hours, and bubble wrap. Why bubble wrap? She likes to amuse herself by popping the air bubbles. Antisocial to the extreme, Willow only acknowledges the other cats when there is catnip involved (they knock the plastic container off the refrigerator, and then take turns rolling it around, trying to figure out how to open the lid without opposeable thumbs), or she attacks one of them, without provocation. Did I mention she's antisocial?
Luna has decided that she MUST sleep on the foot of my bed. I think it is the down comforter that she loves. That means that when our bedroom door is shut, she will hurl herself against the door until we open it, or she pops it open. Both are annoying, since she waits until we are snuggled under that comforter, almost asleep, to come to the door, and she won't shut it after opening it.
So today I have three cranky cats who cannot sunbathe on my windowsill because I obviously forgot to order sunlight today. Willow is perched on the back of the chair nearest our south facing window, determined that WHEN the sun finally comes out, she will be there. Che Bella keeps demanding to go on the enclosed back porch, because one of these times, she will able to see the sun out the french doors (her longest time spent out there on this chilly February day, was 5 and 1/2 seconds, before flinging herself at the door for reentry. Unless of course, I wait for her to come back in, so she sits down, waiting for the sun.).
Luna is alternating between provoking the other two cats and rearranging piles of paper I am sorting.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Soul mates and other random thoughts
What is a soul mate? When I married my husband, I could have told you many things - how he made me feel, the things he made me want, but, not about how he made my soul feel.
Years later, when we were at a dangerous crossroads in our marriage, I felt how empty my heart and soul felt without him. We found each other, and the way to go on those dark and dangerous roads. Each day since then, we have learned to speak from our inner selves, not just what the other might want to hear. Sure, sometimes my inner self is snarky (and bitchy), but, if only truth is spoken, not telling him what HE is doing wrong, but, how I feel (really feel, not the feelings of the scared little girl who is afraid of being unloved) when he upsets me (or puzzles me), he actually hears me. That honesty has carried us through financial trials, medical crises and into a warmer spot in our lives. I'm not perfect (I'm messy and creative, and a real pain sometimes, not to mention a huge clutterer), but, he loves me how I am, and because of that warm, safe feeling, of being loved no matter what, my soul feels connected to him in a way that I've only felt for my children, before we found our way. I don't know why we are two puzzle pieces that fit together and balance each other, but, we are, and I am grateful for it. Because that inner sense of feeling loved (passionately, enduringly and forever) it one that I've waited for my whole life. That is what makes him my soul mate.
Random thought: We never realize how sincere compliments (or at least compliments that sound sincere) can make someone feel, until it happens to us. Friday, a male co-worker asked very politely if he could pay me a compliment, without offending me. Of course this surprised me, because I like the "good job" compliments I get in my professional career. He went on to explain that this was a personal compliment, and he didn't want me to think he was out of line or harassing me. I responded (albeit in a very surprised voice) "sure, go ahead". He then said very sincerely, "I wanted to tell you how lovely you look without glasses." I thanked him (in a rather strangled tone), but, was smiling the rest of the day. I was never the "lovely" girl. With my straight nose, straighter hair, and the 13 schools I attended by high school, lecherous father (who flirted with my friends as they developed), my mother who had rules that never made sense (and changed in a heartbeat), the messiest house in town (my mother once washed a load of clothes with a mouse in them, after they sat on the basement floor for days - the mouse drowned and my mother had a huge debate with herself - and anyone who would listen - over whether those clothes REALLY needed to be rewashed - and although I'm sure anything she had in there for herself was rewashed, I never really knew what she did), I was never the cute, pretty or popular girl. I didn't go to prom. But, I was smart (yeah, that helped). So, "lovely"? It put a smile in my heart. Of course, my husband, when I told him, said "of course", my daughters (and a trusted female co-worker) all said "I told you that you look different without glasses". Hmmm - who would have thought that in my fifties, I would suddenly get such a nice compliment. I know, I always look for a kind word to share with co-workers and elderly patients. I guess I just didn't know how light my step would feel, on the receiving end of one.
Years later, when we were at a dangerous crossroads in our marriage, I felt how empty my heart and soul felt without him. We found each other, and the way to go on those dark and dangerous roads. Each day since then, we have learned to speak from our inner selves, not just what the other might want to hear. Sure, sometimes my inner self is snarky (and bitchy), but, if only truth is spoken, not telling him what HE is doing wrong, but, how I feel (really feel, not the feelings of the scared little girl who is afraid of being unloved) when he upsets me (or puzzles me), he actually hears me. That honesty has carried us through financial trials, medical crises and into a warmer spot in our lives. I'm not perfect (I'm messy and creative, and a real pain sometimes, not to mention a huge clutterer), but, he loves me how I am, and because of that warm, safe feeling, of being loved no matter what, my soul feels connected to him in a way that I've only felt for my children, before we found our way. I don't know why we are two puzzle pieces that fit together and balance each other, but, we are, and I am grateful for it. Because that inner sense of feeling loved (passionately, enduringly and forever) it one that I've waited for my whole life. That is what makes him my soul mate.
Random thought: We never realize how sincere compliments (or at least compliments that sound sincere) can make someone feel, until it happens to us. Friday, a male co-worker asked very politely if he could pay me a compliment, without offending me. Of course this surprised me, because I like the "good job" compliments I get in my professional career. He went on to explain that this was a personal compliment, and he didn't want me to think he was out of line or harassing me. I responded (albeit in a very surprised voice) "sure, go ahead". He then said very sincerely, "I wanted to tell you how lovely you look without glasses." I thanked him (in a rather strangled tone), but, was smiling the rest of the day. I was never the "lovely" girl. With my straight nose, straighter hair, and the 13 schools I attended by high school, lecherous father (who flirted with my friends as they developed), my mother who had rules that never made sense (and changed in a heartbeat), the messiest house in town (my mother once washed a load of clothes with a mouse in them, after they sat on the basement floor for days - the mouse drowned and my mother had a huge debate with herself - and anyone who would listen - over whether those clothes REALLY needed to be rewashed - and although I'm sure anything she had in there for herself was rewashed, I never really knew what she did), I was never the cute, pretty or popular girl. I didn't go to prom. But, I was smart (yeah, that helped). So, "lovely"? It put a smile in my heart. Of course, my husband, when I told him, said "of course", my daughters (and a trusted female co-worker) all said "I told you that you look different without glasses". Hmmm - who would have thought that in my fifties, I would suddenly get such a nice compliment. I know, I always look for a kind word to share with co-workers and elderly patients. I guess I just didn't know how light my step would feel, on the receiving end of one.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Willow the possessed cat
When I named Willow, it was with the thought that this sweet little kitty needed a graceful, peaceful name to label her. But, now, with hundreds of hurled hairballs and the time she looked right at me as she peed in one of my shoes, cementing our relationship, I feel that surely she must be (it would explain a lot) POSSESSED. Why else would she always heave her gifts on my (ill advised) light plush carpet? Why, of all things to knock off the telephone table, was it my lamp (which of course was my favorite thing on that table), today?
I have tried to be a good "owner". The last time I tried to load her into her carrier for a trip to the groomer, all legs projected stiffly out to the sides of her body as she physically made herself too large for the opening. If I hadn't been so irritated that she was being difficult, the laughter would have started much sooner. When I finally realized that there was no earthly way to wedge her splayed body into the carrier, she decided to push it up a notch by knocking the metal door off the carrier. That, and the yowling was enough to make any sane person a) swear, b) cry, or (in my case) laugh, giggle and otherwise be so amused by the situation that I then made the foolish move of loosening my grip on her. That was all she needed, as she rocketed away to some dark hiding place where she could hack up another hairball as she decided what my punishment would be (a hint: my bedroom door now is SHUT at night). But, sigh, that is yet another story.
I have tried to be a good "owner". The last time I tried to load her into her carrier for a trip to the groomer, all legs projected stiffly out to the sides of her body as she physically made herself too large for the opening. If I hadn't been so irritated that she was being difficult, the laughter would have started much sooner. When I finally realized that there was no earthly way to wedge her splayed body into the carrier, she decided to push it up a notch by knocking the metal door off the carrier. That, and the yowling was enough to make any sane person a) swear, b) cry, or (in my case) laugh, giggle and otherwise be so amused by the situation that I then made the foolish move of loosening my grip on her. That was all she needed, as she rocketed away to some dark hiding place where she could hack up another hairball as she decided what my punishment would be (a hint: my bedroom door now is SHUT at night). But, sigh, that is yet another story.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Okay so sometimes life sucks
Sunday, February 14, 2010
HD in both eyes
Well, just over a week post op, and I now have HD in both eyes! Hurray for modern methods! Both eyes are still "picky", but, the specialist says that will go away in the next month or so. My co-workers claim I look "10 years younger". Okay, but, without the glasses, now I see the crows feet more clearly! Ah well, vision is more important. Once I heal completely, I can wear eye makeup again. In a month I will see the doctor to see what, if any correction I need (besides the close work), maybe something cute and trendy for my reading?
Chocolate covered strawberries and lots of love this Valentine's. Who could ask for more?
Chocolate covered strawberries and lots of love this Valentine's. Who could ask for more?
Friday, February 5, 2010
One day after cataract surgery

Well, this surgery seems to have been less stressful than the first. Less swelling, less pain. I saw the doctor for my one day check up and I already have 20/25 vision and they expect 20/20 when it's healed. I now have almost as good sight in my left eye as my right eye, and am only using glasses for close work (like reading and the computer). I took a few more days off from work this time, as it was really tiring, going back to work last time after just a couple of days off.
My daughter stopped by this afternoon after some business meetings she had to attend. She was given a huge promotion at work, and now is the director where she works. This is after three months on this job! Good job kiddo! (Aren't you glad you glad you went to college my Mom voice whispers). She had an excellent
"headhunter" job after graduating from Penn State, but, when the economy was going down, her company downsized and she was unemployed (for less than a month). Okay my Mom bragging is done, but, I am so PROUD of my daughters. They are smart and pursue their dreams.
Well, I will post again (time to rest my eyes a bit). I'm trying to imagine not having to wear glasses except for the close work. Will I become one of those ladies who leave pairs of glasses all over the place, forgetting where they left them? Stay tuned. (No that isn't me in the picture, but, thought it was sweet.)
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