Well, this surgery seems to have been less stressful than the first. Less swelling, less pain. I saw the doctor for my one day check up and I already have 20/25 vision and they expect 20/20 when it's healed. I now have almost as good sight in my left eye as my right eye, and am only using glasses for close work (like reading and the computer). I took a few more days off from work this time, as it was really tiring, going back to work last time after just a couple of days off.
My daughter stopped by this afternoon after some business meetings she had to attend. She was given a huge promotion at work, and now is the director where she works. This is after three months on this job! Good job kiddo! (Aren't you glad you glad you went to college my Mom voice whispers). She had an excellent
"headhunter" job after graduating from Penn State, but, when the economy was going down, her company downsized and she was unemployed (for less than a month). Okay my Mom bragging is done, but, I am so PROUD of my daughters. They are smart and pursue their dreams.
Well, I will post again (time to rest my eyes a bit). I'm trying to imagine not having to wear glasses except for the close work. Will I become one of those ladies who leave pairs of glasses all over the place, forgetting where they left them? Stay tuned. (No that isn't me in the picture, but, thought it was sweet.)
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