I won tickets recently for a Penguin's hockey game (they were playing Hershey). Not only was it my first game ever, but, the tickets were for a private box so I truly had a bird's eye view of everything. The players are amazingly graceful on the ice, flying forwards, sideways, backwards FAST! Course the crowds loved the fights, too - I didn't know guys actually fought like that - looking like boxers, as they jab at each other. Of course the fighters get "time outs" aka penalties. It was fun, fast and furious, and even for someone like me, with little knowledge about the game, it was one of those things I really enjoyed, surprising myself!
I guess we all need to try something at least once. I don't want to reach the end of my life regretting that I never tried something (although deep sea diving and sky diving probably won't make the regret list).
I'm grateful for the life I have - I always have enough, I have a wonderful husband, I have a great family, a roof over my head, nice clothes to wear, a car to drive, good health, and a career.
Pondering in my quiet moments, some of the things I've always wanted:
to write - if I write and no one reads it, does it count?
to create beauty - some of my crafting has yielded lovely results, and my children (okay, adult children) are beautiful, talented and smart
to have a peaceful life - my childhood was chaos, but, I like my life now (even when it gets crazy)
to be loved - I am.
to be thinner - I don't know if I ever will be, but, I'm always working on being healthy
to be patient- always working on that, and am often told that I am
to be kind - I think I'm pretty good at that. My job evaluation actually said that I am "compassionate". I like that.
to be a teacher - well, I became a nurse, and surprisingly teaching - patient teaching, family teaching, staff teaching - is a huge part of who I am and what I do.
Life is pretty great, isn't it?
And hockey - well that was pretty cool, and I had fun!
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