What motivates us?
I work hard, try to accomplish things at home, but, it feels like a real EFFORT!
Cold weather? Burn out?
I love to create, yet I don't feel creative.
But, something tells me that I need to find a fresh way to do things.
I love my career (most of the time), and will try to keep sharing information about what I do professionally. But, if it is really my mother's face in the mirror, with my soul behind those eyes (one blurry, one clear), perhaps it is time to share more of ME.
What fires my soul?
Family - husband and children (okay, grown children).
Making a difference with kindness.
Reading good supernatural fiction (it's my weakness and I love a good read).
Creating something that fills my heart with passion and makes me feel proud of myself.
So what motivates me? I'm wanting to fill my life with the goodness of life, not so much the things. I want to feel proud at the end of my day - and life. For life is a finite thing, a journey that we must live, a day at a time.
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