Saturday, September 4, 2010

Back to "normal" for a couple of days

Youngest daughter is home for the holiday weekend.  She seems to be coping okay with all the changes in her life, but, openly admitted that the homesickness has been worse than she expected.  I told her that I had missed her, very much, but, that I'm happy she's going to a good school, making new friends, etc.  So, we acknowledged how much this has changed our day-to-day lives, but, that we can cope and deal with the changes.  Having said that, I wonder if this empty spot will be empty again come Monday.  DD number 2, has advised me that I should call about once a week, during the week, just to let her know we're here.  I admitted to her, that I always had trouble, when her sister and she left home, knowing what was too much, what wasn't enough.  So, there we sat, having lunch, two women talking and sharing both sides of how it is when a beloved daughter leaves home.
I admit, with DD number 2, the teenage years (and even her early twenties), were bumpy.  I never seemed to do anything right.  But, now, that we have achieved a better balance, we are much closer, than we were for many years.  I always call her my "porcupine child" as she difficult to reach at times, but, inside she is a very soft, loving person.  She wanted to be a lawyer at one point in her college years, and she could debate anyone (and still can).  I look forward to the challenges she will face in the future, as a parent.  She's going to be much tougher to fool, than I ever was.  But, I think she will find that fine balance, between being the "rules parent" and showing love.
All in all, I think my daughters are all impressive women.

Until later (MONDAY looms),

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