Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring Fever

Is spring almost here?!  The snow is almost completely gone, the birds are coming back, and little green sprigs are pushing their way to the sun!  I guess a few days in the fifties is enough to give anyone (especially in NE Pennsylvania) spring fever!
I went for my follow-up visit with my eye doctor.  He said (drum roll please) that my vision hasn't been this good (probably) since I was ten years old.  He even filled out a form to remove the "corrective lenses" from my driver's license, since he informed PennDot, on the form, that I now have 20/20 vision.
No wonder the world seems different somehow - brighter, crisper.  What a great time of year to enjoy better vision. 
I'm really looking forward to spring flowers!
Plus, I pulled into my driveway this past weekend, and was able to see (it was dusk) two plump mourning doves sitting on my clothesline over twenty feet away.  They were pretty!  Then, they flew into a tree a little later and sang to me.
It makes the occasional twinges, irritation, etc. easier to put up with as my left eye finishes healing.
Life can be pretty great, huh?!!