Thursday, January 6, 2011

Free Patterns

Tests are good.

Out of the hospital and the mystery illness seems to be vanquished.

It's Grammie for Quinn

Quinn likes it when I tell her "Grammie has you", so Grammie it is.
Waiting for an update on her test results.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Poor Baby

What a strong little girl is my grandbaby.  She made happy faces at me today, took a bottle, and slept in my arms.  All in spite of being in the hospital with an IV in her arm (she really isn't too fond of the arm board that she's strapped to -keeps poking herself in the face with it, when she tries to put her fingers in her mouth.  But, she's eating again, temp is down, and is only fussy once in awhile.  Her mom, my daughter, is exhausted from only catnapping for two days.
In spite of scary tests (including a spinal tap) she has stayed very pleasant.  I love how she focuses on my face so hard her eyes almost cross.  The more serious infections have been ruled out, so hopefully she can go home tomorrow.
Not to worry babe - Grammy will be making the drive to be with you.
Here's hoping she looks as good soon, as she did in this picture, the day before she got sick.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sick Baby

Yesterday, I was holding my grandbaby, feeding her, changing her.  Today, she is sick, and going to the hospital.  I feel helpless.